Tobacco Offering

An Offering ritual for Honoring


How to do it:

  1. Go outside where you feel connected to the Earth.

  2. Put a pinch of tobacco leaf in your hand.

  3. Take a moment to connect with your prayer and what you are grateful for.

  4. Offer the pinch of tobacco to the Earth by placing it on the dirt.

    This ritual can be done in a special time of connection, before harvesting a plant, or when you come across an animal that has died as a way to honor the animals spirit.

Why do it:

In the old days, tobacco was the most holy of plants and the most sacred of ceremonial objects. Before all religious ceremonies, tobacco was offered to the spirits. Sacred tobacco is used for prayers of gratitude to thank the Creator of Mother Earth for our many blessings, such as good health, great fishing, and good crops.

When any plant is picked or any animal is taken, Tobacco and Prayer is given to show respect. By honoring all our relations we demonstrate that we have not forgotten our place within the web of life.

And for those that smoke regularly, this is an especially great ritual to make an addictive habit, a sacred one with presence.


When to do it:

When you smoke, or a special occasion

How long it takes:

<5 mins

Materials Needed:




Native American

Original Source:
