Blood Offering

A Moon Phase ritual for Women’s Cycles to improve Connection


How to do it:

1. Use a moon cup or other container for collecting menstrual blood and bleed directly into it.

2. Dilute with 1 Cup of water.

3. Find a tree or plant

4. Take a moment and thank Nature for developing this powerful cleansing process within you

3. Pour it slowly into the dirt of the plant or tree as an offering back to the Earth.

Why do it:

There is an ancient Hopi prophecy that states, "When the women give their blood back to the earth, men will come home from war and earth shall find peace.” This ritual helps strengthen the connection to your cycle and reshapes shame into pride.


When to do it:

On Your Moon

How long it takes:

<10 min

Materials needed:

Menstrual blood


A vessel

A plant or tree



Native American

Original Source:

Becca Piastrelli’s Blog