Calling In Cashflow

A Monthly Intention ritual to create Abundance


How to do it:

1. Begin by setting up a sacred space for your ritual either outside or in a well-ventilated area.

2. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Breathe deeply until you reach a state of peace.

3. Write out your money affirmations on a piece of paper.

Here are some examples:

"I am financially free and abundant".

”Money comes to me effortlessly and frequently”.

”I live a highly extravagant and fulfilling life”.

”I can easily afford to buy anything that I desire”.

”My bank account never stops increasing”.

”I am a magnet to financial prosperity”.

”My energy is aligned with the vibration of unlimited wealth”.

“I am grateful for the universe supplying me with an unlimited abundance of money.”

”The universe delivers me an endless amount of cashflow”.

”I earn an extraordinary amount of wealth doing what I love”.

”My unlimited wealth gives me the freedom to do whatever I want”.

”I am grateful for the substantial amount of money I earn”

”My income triples every time I check my bank balance”.

”I attract more money than I spend”.

”I am a walking money magnet”.

”My wallet is always packed with cash”.

”Large amounts of money bring me joy and positivity”

”I have unlimited streams of financial income”.

”Money is an endless resource”.

”I am deserving of prosperity”.

4. Place your affirmations in the burning bowl.

5. Light the piece of paper on fire and envision yourself achieving your desires.

6. Tap into an emotion of confidence to go along with your visualization. Feel as though your affirmation is already true.

7. Watch the smoke float up into the air and envision it as a message being delivered to universal energy.

8. Take another moment of silence to express your gratitude.

Why do it:

Money rituals are physical actions that we take in order to promote “money attracting vibrations” within our external environment.


When to do it:


(Most effective during a new moon)

How long it takes:

<10 min

Materials needed:



Burning bowl

Matches or lighter




Original Source:

Modern Day Manifestations