Creating Space


A Movement, Breath, and Intention ritual for Release and Healing

Photo by Jonny Lindner

Photo by Jonny Lindner


How to do it:

PART 1: Releasing

  1. Lie flat on your back, either on your bed or on the floor.

  2. Take 3 slow inhales in through your nose and exhale slowly out through your mouth.


  3. Using your hands and arms, and as you exhale, begin pushing energy away from your root chakra, out in front of you. As your hands reach all the way forward, begin inhaling and create a swimming / circular movement that allow your hands to swim back into your root.

  4. You'll want the exhales from your mouth to be forceful, and the inhales through your mouth to be softer.

  5. As you exhale and push the energy from your root, visualize the person, or the current circumstance that you want to release, and speak in your mind, “Thank you, I now release relying on you."

  6. Do this breath, movement, and mantra from the root chakra 3x

    **You will repeat the same pushing motion, exhale strong / inhale soft, and a mantra for each energy center.**


  7. As you push out, speak in your mind, “Thank you, I now release all sexual and energetic ties."

    Do this release 3x


  8. As you push out, speak in your mind, “Thank you, I now release all insecurities and feelings of scarcity, judgment, and shame."

    Do this release 3x


  9. As you push out, speak in your mind, “Thank you, I release all pain, suffering, and fear."

    Do this release 3x


  10. “Thank you, I now release any negativity or slander."

    Repeat 3x


  11. “Thank you, I now release all fogginess, ignorance, or victimhood."

    Repeat 3x


  12. “Thank you, I now release all distraction or avoidance from my path."

    Repeat 3x

    PART 2: Rebuilding


1) This will be the opposite as before. Starting with your hands at your root as if holding a football, while softly exhaling, swim your hands outward in a large circle in front of you. As your hands come together out in front of your root chakra, begin a strong inhale as you pull energy into your root.

2) As you inhale and pull energy in, speak in your mind, "I am centered and rooted within myself." Repeat this 3x.

**You will repeat the same pulling motion, exhale soft / inhale strong, and a mantra for each energy center.**


3) As you pull in and inhale, speak in your mind, “I reclaim my energy.”

Repeat 3x


“I am confident and receiving abundance.”

Repeat 3x


“I love unconditionally and am open to receiving love.”

Repeat 3x


“I speak only what I want and what serves life.”

Repeat 3x


“I have clarity and perspective.”

Repeat 3x


“I humbly serve my highest good.”

Repeat 3x


  1. As you finish this entire ritual, starting from behind your head, pull your hands down toward your feet as if encasing yourself in a white bubble of light.

  2. Visualize this, and say to yourself, “I am protected, healed, and whole.”

  3. End this ritual with, “And so it is.” or “So mote it be.”

  4. Release your hands down to your side for as long as you’d like, and just feel all of the energy pulsing through your living body. Feel gratefulness for all of the gifts you’ve received from this time in your life, whether or not you fully understand them yet.

Why do it:

We collect and hold people, experiences, and traumas in each of our energetic bodies. Connecting to each with a combination of life-giving breath, meridian point activating movement, and directing our focus and intention, can create miraculous shifts in our being.

This can rapidly expedite healing, create peace, increase confidence, clarity, grounding, creativity, alignment to higher purpose, and more.

As we release things and open up space in our lives, new and wonderful things can begin to enter.

This is an emotional, physical, and spiritual ritual all in one.


When to do it:

After a break up or leaving a situation

How long it takes:

15-30 min

Materials needed:





Which Ritual Original

Original Source: