Love For Dinner

A Food ritual for Love

Photo: Kevin Holt

Photo: Kevin Holt


How to do it:

  1. Get out all the ingredients you will use for the meal.

  2. As you go about peeling, chopping, and prepping, take a moment to thank and acknowledge each ingredient as it touches your hands.

  3. Thank the seed that grew into the plant, the soil, water and sun.

  4. Thank all the hands that have touched it on its way here into your kitchen. The farmers, harvesters, processors, delivery truck driver, grocery store stocker, etc.

  5. As you continue cooking and prepping, keep an attitude of gratitude.

  6. Be sure to take the little magic bottle of Love off the spice shelf and sprinkle some in to complete the meal. Optional :)

Why do it:

Whether you cook often, or only prepare food on special occasions, this ritual brings presence into meal prep.

Gratitude and acknowledgement of the ingredients we are using infuses the meal with a sprinkle of love, that you are sure to taste.


When to do it:

When you make food

How long it takes:


Materials Needed:





Original Source: