Sounding Throat Activation

A Meditation ritual for Confidence

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How to do it:

  1. Set your intention for this practice to open up the resonance of your voice. To grease the wheels, here are some themes that relate:

    • Communicating clearly, honestly, and with compassion;

    • Releasing fear of speaking up for yourself or for others;

    • Being a good listener; learning not to over talk or dominate conversations;

    • Refraining from gossip.

      Feel free to use any of these or choose your own. As long as your intention feels true for you it has value.

  2. One of the easiest ways to connect with the voice is to chant. Take a comfortable seat. Softly close your eyes and lips. Relax your face and jaw. Begin to make the sound “mmmmmmmm” at whatever resonant tone is natural for you, high or low. Play with it.

    Feel the vibration all around the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, ears, and throat. Imagine this sound vibrating loose any tension in the throat neck and jaw region.

    Letting go of the times you have had to bite your tongue or have had a lump in your throat from the fear of speaking up. Feel the vibration purifying and freeing your vocal energy.

  3. Place your hands on your chest and throat, feeling the vibrations, while continuing to explore humming and other variations of sound. Give yourself the freedom to not have to sound 'good' and just allow any and all sound that want to be expressed. It can come out as tones, singing, chanting, gibberish, words.

  4. If it feels right, complete the practice by speaking, out loud, some positive affirmations;

    “I hear and speak the truth.”

    “I am expressing myself with clear intent.”

    “Creativity flows in and through me.”

    “I am an important voice in the world and my voice is heard.

    “I speak my truth clearly. I love to share my experiences and wisdom.”

    “I know when it is time to listen.”

    “I listen to my body and my feelings to know what my truth is.”

    “I am safe and trust others to allow me to express myself truthfully.”

    “I live in my truth, I communicate my truth, I am the truth.

    “I express my love and goodness each time I speak.”

Why do it:

Working with the voice to create spaciousness, through which profound truths can flow.

With so much pressure around how we use our voice, what we say, what we hold in, it is a beneficial to practice releasing this built up tension.

This ritual creates a safe container to explore vocal release without any judgment of what it sounds like.

This can boost confidence around speaking our truth, singing and making sound.


When to do it:


How long it takes:

<10 mins

Materials Needed:





Original Source:

Yoga Journal