You Are Amazing

A Love ritual for Gratitude

Photo: The Nature of Life

Photo: The Nature of Life


How to do it:

  1. In the morning, set a timer for 5 minutes

  2. Direct self love gratitude to yourself in the form of compliments, hugs, a swelling feeling of warmth and love, and in any way you can connect to.

    Optional: Do it while looking at yourself with a smile in the mirror

Why do it:

Where focus goes, energy flows. Consciously directing it toward your positive attributes, creates an uplift in your mood, and increases your ability for self love. Once we have a deep connection to loving ourself, we can be better positioned to having healthy relationships to others, and to maintaining core emotional strength. Doing this practice in the morning can ripple out through the rest of your day.


When to do it:

Once, variable

How long it takes:

<5 min

Materials needed:

Optional: Timer, a mirror




Original Source:

Submitted by Which Ritual