Becoming Seaweed

A Movement ritual for Health and Presence

Photo: TakePart

Photo: TakePart

How to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

  2. Slowly breathe in to below your belly button, and feel yourself become as light as a balloon.

  3. 3) Exhale until your whole body softens.

  4. Repeat for 3 deep breaths.

  5. Inhale through the nose and focus on tensing all of your muscles from feet to forehead, hold for 10 seconds.

  6. Exhale hard through the mouth and start shaking your whole body; wrists, arms, head side to side, rotating knees, and bending up and down.

  7. Stand up, and imagine yourself being a piece of seaweed float softly on a still ocean floor.

  8. From toes to forehead, move softly and fluidly. Feel the currents of the water pass through you, allowing you to dance around in all directions.

  9. Be mindful of your inhales and how they affect movement.

  10. Be mindful of your exhales and how they affect your movement.

  11. Put extra attention on the flowing movement of the spine, allowing it to move in all directions

    Note: You can do this in silence and be focused on your breathing rhythm, or you can add music for an added guide to help the movement.

Why do it:

Each day we limit our movements in ways we have become accustomed, neglecting full ranges of motion. In the ways we limit ourselves, energy stores up and becomes stuck and stagnant. This is the beginning of creating larger issues. By creating a ritual of movement through our bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and spine, we tap into an open up this energy, creating a healthier body. This is also a great meditation exercise, allowing our focus to hone into the present and away from all of the chatter.


When to do it:

Daily, Variable

How long it takes:


Materials needed:

Music Optional



Japanese Butoh exercise and other cultures

Original Source: