Master'ing Manifestation

A Sex ritual for Manifestation


How to do it:

  1. Create an intimate setting that is comfortable, quiet, and where you won't be disturbed.

  2. Begin with soft and slow breaths and begin to think of 1-3 outcomes you desire. With material success, in relationships, health, or in your lifestyle.

  3. Holding these material desires in your mind at all times, begin with light strokes, starting to stimulate your skin, exploring your body and feeling pleasure.

  4. Bring your attention and touch to your genitals and begin to pleasure yourself.

  5. As you begin to masturbate, keep your intentions in your mind.

  6. See the process of achieving these outcomes and focus on the details. Whether they involve conversations, actions, or various interactions, try to be as specific as possible.

  7. See the outcomes of you receiving your desire. Holding them, interacting with them, experiencing them, being validated for them, whatever is relevant to your intention.

  8. Play these over and over, through the process, and through the end result as you continue to build up your creative and sexual energy.

  9. As you climax, keep the end results in mind.

  10. After climaxing, speak "So it is." or "So mote it be." And tap into a deep feeling of gratitude.

    Note: If a man is performing this ritual, use a container to capture the semen. As an added enhancement to the spell, find a plant with some soil. You can dig a small hole and plant the seed for it to continue to grow.

    Also see the Partnered Sex Magic for couples.

Why do it:

Sexual energy is the creative energy of the universe in which all things come to manifest. We have this power within us, able to be cultivated and used as a tool. Stepping outside of our old stories of what sex and masturbation is, including all of the stigmas and taboos, we can begin to use this force to serve us more effectively.


When to do it:


How long it takes:

Depends on your body

Materials needed:



Sex Magic is usually found in Wicca or the occult

Original Source: