Chew Chew

A Daily Food ritual for Presence



How to do it:

When you’re eating, there is a right and wrong way to chew. Here’s how to get the most out of your meals:

  1. Sit with your food in front of you. Smell it. Prepare to be entirely present with every bite of this meal.

  2. Don’t overload your spoon or fork. Food should stay on without falling off.

  3. With food in your mouth, close your lips and start chewing. Your tongue should move the food from side to side and your jaw should rotate slightly.

  4. Chew slowly, counting to 30 with each bite of food. You may need more or less time depending on the type of food. (Softer foods may require fewer chews to break down — as few as 10 to 15.)

  5. Once the bite has lost all texture, then you know it’s ready to swallow. The goal of chewing is to break down your food so it loses texture.

Why do it:

Eating is such a crucial part of being alive. People can forget to chew their food or get into the habit of swallowing before they’ve fully chewed it.This ritual invites us to be present with the act of nourishing our body. It has been proven that digestion starts in the mouth with saliva, and that the better we chew, the more nutrients our body can absorb from the food. Experts say that the faster you eat, the more food you will tend to eat. Chewing your food many times at a slower pace can reduce your overall food intake.


When to do it:


How long it takes:


Materials needed:




Which Ritual Original

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