Mirror of Positivity

A Daily Affirmation ritual to boost your Confidence

Photo: Pexels

Photo: Pexels


How to do it:

1. When looking in the mirror, whether its after brushing your teeth, a quick glance while washing your hands or fixing your hair, stop and look yourself right in the eyes.

2. You can choose one eye to stay fixed on if it helps.

3. Say out loud to yourself 1-10 positive affirmations or things about yourself that you are grateful for.

Here are a few examples, though feel free to create your own:

"I love and accept myself exactly as I am in this moment."

"I believe in my abilities and in my self."

"I can face this day and its challenges with strength."

"I let go of my fears, anxieties, and negative thoughts."

"I trust my gut and follow my heart and intuition."

"I admire my unique, one-of-a-kind personality."

4. Smile at yourself for 10 seconds after reciting the positive affirmations to let them sink in and integrate.

Why do it:

It is believed that the more we focus on something, the more power it has. Things we say to ourself in front of the mirror has a great effect on us. It may feel awkward at first, but can become firm beliefs over time. It feels good to be appreciated and filled with positive affirmations, and this ritual gives us the opportunity to give ourself this special gift. The confidence formed will ripple outward and be felt.


When to do it:


How long it takes:

<5 min

Materials needed:





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